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Cub Scout Pack 717
(Barre, Vermont)
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What Is Cub Scouting?

Cub Scouting is a year-round program uniquely designed to meet the needs of young boys and girls and their parents. The program offers fun and challenging activities that promote character development and physical fitness.  Service projects, ceremonies, games, and other activities guide Cubs through the core values and give them a sense of personal achievement. Through positive peer group interaction and parental guidance, Cubs also learn honesty, bravery, and respect.  Family involvement is an essential part of Cub Scouting and parents are encouraged to play an active role in the program. Through interaction between parents, leaders, and friends, boys and girls learn citizenship, compassion, and courage. This family- and community-centered approach to learning means that Cub Scouting is truly time well spent.

Visit the Download Forms section to download the Welcome to Cub Scout Pack 717 information sheet.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the requirements to join Cub Scouts?
Cub Scouting is for children in kindergarten through fifth grades. Youth who are older than ten, or who have completed the fifth grade, can no longer join Cub Scouting but may be eligible to join Scouts BSA or the Venturing program.

What does Cub Scouting offer my child?
Cub Scouting offers fun and challenging activities that promote character development and physical fitness. Service projects, ceremonies, games, and other activities guide Cubs through the core values and give them a sense of personal achievement. Through positive peer group interaction and parental guidance, Cubs also learn honesty, bravery, and respect.

How does participation in Cub Scouting affect participation in other activities?
The Cub Scout program is designed to compliment many other extracurricular activities. Typical time commitment is three Den meetings and one Pack meeting per month. Youth who participate in organized sports like soccer, baseball, basketball, swimming, gymnastics, etc, or academic-based extracurricular activities like music, art, science etc., can be recognized for these activities though Cub Scout belt loops and pins which are worn on their uniform.

What are the responsibilities of a parent?
  • Provide help and support for the den and pack.
  • Work with your child on advancement projects and activities.
  • Attend pack meetings with your child and present earned awards to him/her at the pack meeting.
  • Attend and assist with den outings.
  • Attend Cub Scout Family campouts with your child.

What activities are available to Cub Scouts and their families?    
    Pack 717 is very active, providing a rich environment for boys and their families. Typical annual events include: 

  • Blue & Gold Banquet
  • Scout Sunday
  • Pinewood Derby
  • Pack Campout
  • Memorial Day Observance
  • Weekend Camping
  • Summer Resident Camp
  • Parades
  • Community Service Activities
  • and more!
How much is it going to cost?
The annual Pack 717 dues of $50 covers such items as the National registration fee, the handbook appropriate for your son's rank, the pinewood derby kit, and all patches and awards for the year. Since the Pack 717 charter begins on January 1st, new Cub Scouts pay a prorated fee for the remainder of the joining year, depending on when they register. Contact the Cubmaster or Pack Committee Chair for a prorated dues schedule.

Other costs include uniforms and some activity fees including those for the Resident Camps. Youth members participate in at least one fundraising activity (popcorn sales), which helps to cover Den supplies, equipment, and other activities as well as a portion for the Cub Scout to use for Summer Camp and other Scouting activities.

Where can I buy uniforms? 
    The Scout Shop is located at 838 US Route 2, Moretown, Vermont. More information about the store including hours and directions can be found on their Web site at the Green Mountain Council

             Green Mountain Council
             PO Box 557
             Waterbury, VT  05676-0557 
             (802) 244-5189

             Scout Shop Hours        

    • Scout Shop is open Monday through Thursday 9am to 5pm except major holidays
    • Closed: New Years Eve, New Years Day, Martin Luther King Day, Good Friday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and the day after, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.
    • Also open the first Saturday of each month, 9am to noon.
If you can't make it to the store, and are comfortable specifying your son's shirt size (S/M/L), they will also take phone orders and will ship it to you. Alternatively, you can order everything online from the BSA retail store at

More Frequently Asked Questions

How often are the meetings?
Cub Scouts usually meet in their Dens 2 - 3 times each month, and a Pack meeting is held for all Cub Scouts and their families once a month. Beyond that, it depends on the Den and Pack: a Den may hold a special activity, such as a service project or visit to a local museum in place of one of the weekly meetings or in addition to the weekly meetings. Likewise, the Pack may conduct a special event such as a rocket launch, campout, or service activity as an additional event, rather than a substitute for its monthly Pack meeting.

How can I learn more?
Check out then select "Contact Our Pack" (above) and ask about Pack 717.